📌 How do I install Juice Goose / 42GB Goose Bowl Scenery in MSFS?
Juice Goose installs directly into the Community Folder. Please consider using Simstaller, for all your installations, then you won't need to read further. * We don't recommend or support using on/...
What are the drivetrain switches on the dash?
Dynamic Stability Control (DSC) Enhances vehicle stability at higher speeds by intelligently regulating power and independently applying braking to each wheel. AWD/RWD Switches betwee...
How do I turn off realism? I want full arcade mode.
The Juice Goose has a very complex set of systems that work like their real life counterparts. Modeled after modern electric vehicle technology, everything from high to low voltage batteries, HVAC ...
Why does my top speed fluxuate?
Just like an aircraft flying, there are many factors that affects the top speed of a vehicle on the ground. Here are a few that affects your Juice Goose's top speed. Surface type. While surface ...
I need more places to ride! Where can I find more?
The entire world is your playground, however we've built in an EXPLORE! feature right in the dash that allows you to visit some of the more popular spots. You can access it by engaging your Parkin...
What is UTV Off-Roading, and why would I enjoy it!?
People enjoy off-roading for a variety of reasons, and the experience can vary depending on individual preferences and the specific trail or terrain. Here are some common reasons why people like to...
Can I use my own Music in the Bluetooth speaker?
YES! The radio station in the Juice Goose is a single file that loops. There are 2 ways to change the music file. A: Replace the factory radio file with your own Please note that product updates w...
About the Juice Goose Systems page.
Curious about the systems page? Here's a TLDR of the data it contains. SoC (HV) - State of Charge of the high voltage battery. This is the one being used to drive the motor and HVAC systems. SoC (...
Here are a few tips to land the Inlet Jump located on the north side of the beach at the included 42GB Goose Bowl scenery. Select the Juice Goose 500 Speedster. Ensure your battery is above 75% s...
Why am I sliding sideways uphill?
There is currently a bug in MSFS 2020 that makes the vehicle slide uphill laterally when stopped sideways on an uphill slant. This is a bug affects all aircraft/vehicles and cannot be fully resol...
The Juice Goose is preconfigured and optimized to be used with an Xbox Controller using the DEFAULT profile. This will give you controls similar to what you would find in titles like Forza, Forza H...
A note on ground surface types.
The simulator uses ground color to determine surface type. This might lead to some misclassification of the surface and unintended effects. While the ground might clearly seem like sand, the simul...
Flow in VR shows up on a "Virtual Desktop"
It's required that Flow run in a "panel" state, so let's look at that like a virtual desktop of sorts. We've enhanced the experience as best as we can to where that "desktop" fades away and allows ...
⚠️ The simulator version is higher than the version...
"The simulator version is higher than the version Flow has been tested on. This might break some features or Flow entirely." This message may appear if you have opted for beta builds or if there is...
Cockpit interactions using Cursor Mode is broken when Flow is active.
We've been notified by some users that cockpit interactions when using the controller Cursor is broken when Flow is active. Workaround: Disabling Flow from the default sim Toolbar fixes the issue....
If you are experiencing issues with ChasePlane and have a Kaspersky Antivirus installed, please add the following executables to the "define trusted program" section of your antivirus. %APPDATA%\P...
How do I install my product or mod into Microsoft Flight Simulator 2020?
Some products include installers while others need to be extracted straight into the sim's Community folder. The location of that folder depends on how you installed the simulator. Please consider...
Simply click and hold any of the tiles, just like you would do with app icons on your phone.
The Wheel uses the HELP MENU assignment to display/hide the Wheel. It can be found and configured in the sim's control settings. TAB is the default keyboard assignment Left thumbstick click is ...
Welcome to this quick guide on how to get started with Flow Essentials on Xbox. To open the Flow wheel, simply press the left thumbstick. To customize the wheel, point to any of the tiles and hol...
This appears to be an issue with the system we have to use to get data about the flight. When reading the data, the sim resets the time based on the flight settings without being instructed to do ...
General Instructions Open the camera app. Select the rear-facing camera in Photo or Camera mode. Center the QR code that you want to scan on the screen and hold your phone steady for a couple of s...
Checking for Stripr Compatibility
This article doesn't apply to the Steam version of MSFS. Did you install MSFS a long ago? You sim might be installed the old (legacy) way. Stripr REQUIRES a "modern" MS Store installation. All newe...
Converting my sim install from Legacy to Modern
Open the Xbox App Go to your Settings (via your profile picture) Go to General Make sure Game install options are correctly configured to receive the new simulator files. While 157Gb of availab...
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