Flow Functions


"settings_define" Allows the user to customize settings for your scripts. Right now, only checkbox and text are allowed.

If you change a setting internally, you can send settings_define(...) again to notify Flow of the change.

  • Return a structure of the options.
this.store = {
	script_enabled: true,
	intro_message: false,
	outro_message: 'hello!',
	message_color: '#FF66FFFF',

	intro_message: {
		type: 'checkbox',
		label: 'Option 1 label',
		value: this.store.intro_message,
		description: 'This is a description text (totally optional)',
		changed: (value) => {
			this.store.intro_message = value;
			// Any code you want to execute when the option is changed
	outro_message: {
		type: 'text',
		label: 'Option 2 label',
		value: this.store.outro_message,
		description: 'This is a text box!',
		changed: (value) => {
			this.store.outro_message = value;
			// Any code you want to execute when the option is changed
	message_color: {
		type: 'color',
		label: 'Option3 label',
		value: this.store.message_color,
		description: 'This is a color selector!',
		changed: (value) => {
			this.store.message_color = value;
			// Any code you want to execute when the option is changed


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