Flow APIs


Get by ICAO

this.$api.airports.find_airport_by_icao(uid, icao, (airports) => {
    // airports code here

uid: (String) A reusable unique identifier. Make sure it is unique to your widget.
icao: (String) Full or partial ICAO to search
airports(Array): A list of matching airports

Get from coordinates

this.$api.airports.find_airports_by_coords(uid, lon, lat, radius, limit,
    (callback_added) => {
       // added airports here
    }, (callback_removed) => {
       // removed airports here
    }, (callback_failed) => {
       // failed object here
    }, init)

uid: (String) A reusable unique identifier. Make sure it is unique to your widget.
lon, lat: (Number) Coordinates
radius: (Number) Radius in meters for the search
limit: (Number) Limits the amount of airports to return. Farthest airports are eliminated first.
callback_added(Array): When doing a second search for a different coordinate, new airports will be returned here.
callback_removed(Array): When doing a second search for a different coordinate, removed airports will be returned here.
callback_failed(Object): If the search failed, the error will return here.
init: (Boolean) Return all airports in the callback_added callback (instead of only the changes).

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