
Importing/Sharing Scripts

Importing and Exporting script packages for Flow Pro is super easy.


  1. Download the script package you want to install
  2. Extract the zip into your Community folder
  3. Launch MSFS
  4. The new scripts should be available in the wheel editor.


  1. Be in MSFS with Flow loaded
  2. Launch FlowShare (get it here:
  3. The Toolbox Manager window will open. You can also find it under Dev Tools in the Settings.
  4. Select what you want to export and set the proper category names (See the Wheel editor sidebar)
  5. Click Export
  6. Set the name of the package
  7. Click Export
  8. The package is now on your Desktop

For Aircraft/Scenery developers

FlowShare will create a Community-ready zip that is easy to install. If you wish to bundle scripts with your aircraft/scenery, you can simply extract the json file from the generated zip and put it in your own package. Simply make sure the json file has the same name as the package folder containing it.

Example compiled structure:


Package definition:

<AssetGroup Name="flow_integration">


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