MSFS 2020
MSFS 2024 Support

🚫 2024 NOT SUPPORTED (Free version only). 2020 Only.


Flow brings a highly intuitive and easy-to-navigate in-game interaction wheel into Microsoft Flight Simulator.

Our revolutionary menu system challenges the status quo and offers a new and improved way of accessing and interacting with information. Navigating a row of ever-growing control panels in a single toolbar can be cumbersome. 42 is the answer; goodbye toolbar, hello Flow!

  • Fully resizable interface elements built for individuals with vision impairment and cognitive or motor difficulties to a spec beyond the default toolbar.
  • Access your currently installed MSFS panels, default or 3rd party.
  • Works in-sim without external app requirements.
  • No measurable performance impact.
  • Sleek & intuitive interaction wheel alternative to the default toolbar.
  • Customizable wheel layouts, arrange panels to your needs.
  • Wheel show/hide can be bound to any assignable key/button.
  • Static & Dynamic wheels. Static always show, and Dynamic show only in a specific aircraft.
  • Xbox controller optimized.
Available here (PC)



The freeware version allows you to access default & custom toolbar panels from an on-screen overlay.

Bring up the wheel with any assignable key or button. With its modern approach to a menu system, Flow offers a unique and customizable experience for each user or aircraft.

Goodbye Toolbar

Hello Flow

Flow can fully replace the sim's default toolbar with an easy to use and fully customizable menu wheel.

The Wheel

Easy Access

Have the wheel appear where your mouse is located, or always centered on-screen. Bind a button or key for quick access to the wheel.

The Wheel

It's your Flow

Add, remove, and rearrange widgets to your liking. You can even create additional pages and scroll thru them in-sim.

With Flow, you can create your own menu system and prioritize the items most matter to you.

Wanna keep it?

No Problem.

The default toolbar can be enabled/disabled from the Flow settings.
We even make it prettier for you by removing the white triangle.

Flavors of Flow

Flow comes in multiple flavors. Choose the one that suits you best and don't worry, we have upgrade pricing.

Sale price $30.00 USD
Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale price FREE
Sale price $30.00 USD
Sale price $15.00 USD
Sale price FREE
The Wheel




Better Game Panels



Aviator Tools



Custom Nameplates



Creative Tools


Streamer Tools


Power Tools


Fully Scriptable


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