737 Immersion (Legacy)
+ Applicable Taxes
In our search for total immersion, we often overlook the finer details that
are missing in-sim. It's these important details that add the most to our
experience. For this, we present our Immersive Line of products.
The 737 is one of the world's most popular aircraft in service today.
Personalized for all four variants of the PMDG 737 NGX (NOT NGXu),
737 Immersion will surround your aircraft with ultra-realistic weather
phenomena and environmental effects in pretty much all flight conditions!
Performance First!
Performance is always our top priority. We are well aware that our customers are looking for the utmost realism and seek not to jeopardize performance along the way. As such, 737 Immersion has been tested thoroughly and the memory usage of our product is next to nothing. With regards to the frames-per-second (FPS), we have optimized 737 Immersion in order to provide a high-quality FPS-friendly product.
Wing condensation
We are glad to provide 737 Immersion with new enhanced multi-stage wing condensation. Departures in humid air will now look stunning as the wings of the aircraft get filled with visible moisture! 737 Immersion offers three stages of wing condensation all based upon how much back pressure you apply on the elevator on that take-off roll!
Engine condensation
We are glad to provide 737 Immersion with the latest version of our famous engine condensation effect! 737 Immersion provides a three-stage engine condensation that works according to the thrust applied on each engine independently. This effect is quite interesting to witness in real life and 737 Immersion allows virtual pilots to benefit from real-world realism in their simulator.
Jet wash
737 Immersion offers an impressive jet wash effect under rain and snow conditions, which truly shows the power behind the 737's CFM56! The effect was thoroughly recreated using real-world images, videos, and data. Peek a look outside of the flight deck for a mind-blowing sight while the 27,000 pounds of thrust projects all the water away from the aircraft!
737 Immersion comes bundled with our now renowned set of contrails, which provides impressive 3D contrails! Our contrails have been designed to provide the most realistic environment around the aircraft. They add to the extensive list of weather phenomena included with 737 Immersion, which altogether brings the aircraft to life!
Volumetric lighting
Volumetric lighting has taken a giant leap forward with 737 Immersion! It is now more realistic and more precise than ever. We guarantee that night landing to minima will never look so realistic, seen from the flight deck! Taking our expertise from real-world experience, we have made great improvements to the volumetric lighting offer with 737 Immersion.
+ Many other effects
Touchdown effect, engine start-up smoke under cold conditions, new brake dust effect when retracting the landing gear, water vortex from the ground into the engine, and upon rotation, water vapour vortices under each wingtip. We got you covered on all angles!
The entire series
737 Immersion is available in one package for all four variants of the PMDG 737: 737-600, -700, -800, and -900. Hence, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of owning 737 Immersion on all of these aircraft at one price. The effects are tailored to fit each and single one of them with near perfection.
Effects will not show if all engines are shutdown. The technique used to display effects around the aircraft depends on the airplane's smoke system, which does not work when all engines are off. This is a Simulator limitation.Effects are not visible during instant replay. Flight Simulator X and Prepar3D's replay system is very limited and does not allow the replay of advanced effects systems. A great solution in Flight Simulator X is to use FSRecorder with the smoke replay option turned off.