
Environmental Condition Requirements for VisualFX

Contrails (User)

Contrails, short for "condensation trails," are long, thin clouds produced by aircraft at high altitudes due to the condensation of water vapor in the exhaust gases from the engines.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like altitude, temperature, and humidity.

Engine Cold Start

Engine cold start refers to the visual effect of smoke being emitted from the engines during startup.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like ambient and exhaust temperature.

Engine Ingest Vortices

Engine ingest vortices are like little tornadoes of water or snow being picked up in front of the engine.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like speed and the amount of rain on the ground. Those vortices disappear quickly as the aircraft accelerates from stationnary.

Cloud Illumination

Cloud illumination refers to the visual effect of light beams shining through clouds. This effect simulates the appearance of light beams, which are visible when the aircraft is flying through clouds or low visibility.

The light beams are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like cloud density, and the state of the landing lights.

Wing Vortices

Wing vortices are the circular patterns of rotating air left behind by an aircraft as it passes through the air.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like temperature, humidity, and angle of attack. Vortices extend, depending on the aircraft, from the wing tips, trailing flaps and other lift surfaces.

Ground Effect Wash

Ground Effect Wash refers to the visual effect of water and dirt being kicked up from the ground by the downforce of the wings.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like rain intensity, the angle of attack and the overall size of the aircraft.

Cloud Effects

Cloud Effects refers to the visual effect of clouds interacting with the aircraft.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on cloud density.

Engine Chine Vortices

Engine chine vortices are the circular patterns of rotating air created by the lift chine located on top of each engine.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like temperature, humidity, and angle of attack.

Engine Condensation

Engine Condensation refers to a visual effect that simulates vapor inside the engine cowling of an aircraft. This effect realistically portrays the moisture that often forms during takeoff, when the a region of low pressure is created in front of the engine.

It adds an extra layer of realism to the simulation, enhancing the visual fidelity and immersion for players, specially in wing view.

Wing Condensation

Wing Condensation refers to a visual effect that simulates vapor on the wings of an aircraft. This effect realistically portrays the moisture that often forms during takeoff, when the a region of low pressure is created in front of the wings.

It adds an extra layer of realism to the simulation, enhancing the visual fidelity and immersion for players, specially in wing view.

Thrust on Rain

Engine on rain refers to the visual effect of water being kicked up from the ground behind the engine(s).

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like rain intensity and the amount of power being produced by the engine(s).

Thrust on Dirt

Engine on dirt refers to the visual effect of dirt being kicked up from the ground behind the engine(s).

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like ground volatility and color as well as the amount of power being produced by the engine(s).

Downwash on Dirt

Downwash on dirt refers to the visual effect of dirt being kicked up from the ground by the downwash of the rotor.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like ground volatility and color as well as the amount of power being produced by the rotor.

Downwash on Water (Spray)

Downwash on water (spray) refers to the visual effect of water spray being kicked up from a lake, river or ocean by the downwash of the rotor.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like the size of the helicopter as well as the amount of power being produced by the rotor.

Downwash on Water (Waves)

Downwash on water (waves) refers to the visual effect of waves being created by the downwash of the rotor on a lake, river or ocean.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like the size of the helicopter as well as the amount of power being produced by the rotor.

Water Landing

Water landing refers to the visual effect of spray and waves coming from the wheels/floats when on water.

Skid Marks

Skid marks refers to the visual effect of wheels leaving marks on the pavement when skidding.

Wheels on Rain

Wheels on rain refers to the visual effect of water being kicked up from the ground behind the wheels.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like rain intensity and the wheels' RPM.

Wheels on Dirt

Wheels on dirt refers to the visual effect of dust being kicked up from the ground behind the wheels.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like ground volatility and color as well as the RPM of the wheels.

Waste Water Drain

Waste Water Drain refers to the visual effect of water dripping from the waste water drain mast.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like the amount of water in the tanks, altitude and speed of the aircraft. This typically happens about once per hour.

Water droplets

Water droplets refers to the visual effect of water dripping from the wings, fuselage and other parts of the aircraft.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on the amount of rain and how wet the aircraft is.

St. Elmo's Fire

St. Elmo's Fire refers to the visual effect of static discharge around the aircraft's windshield area.

With Immersion Packs, they are dynamically generated on supported aircraft, varying in appearance based on factors like the amount of static electricity in the air and the density of the cloud.

Rotor Downwash (All Surf.)

On Ai / Multiplayer helicopters, rotor downwash refers to the visual effect of volatile ground elements being kicked up by the downwash of the rotor.

With SimFX/Immersion, they are dynamically generated, varying in appearance based on factors like ground volatility and color as well as the amount of power being produced by the rotor.


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