Hello Captain!
Exciting things are happening behind the scenes as we ramp up for a few releases and updates requiring SU15. While the delay saddens us, we're okay with having more time to push out other product updates.
In this update, Flow gets a few quality-of-life updates, Essentials gets a new HUD widget, and Flow Pro gets some really trick features that streamers and content Creators will love. We're really leveraging the power of Flows ability to provide sim-data to a variety of display options.
Flow (all): Imagine pulling up to a hangar, and clicking a virtual key fob button to open it, or close it behind you. Now imagine having an infinite number of scenery elements you can control. Well, it's coming to our updated FFOX scenery (Trent Palmers home) and soon we hope to see more scenery developers adopting our new tech. To make it easier, we've included a Virtual Key Fob widget with all flow wheels, from FREE to PRO and created documentation too. You can find this under the Controls category.
Want your favorite scenery devs to enable open close hangars, custom lighting, etc... send em here: https://github.com/parallel42/msfs-keyfob
Flow Essentials & Pro: As part of your included widgets, you'll now find an "Info Text Widget" in the HUD category that displays helpful metrics in the top left corner of your screen. This feature was always helpful in the days of FSX / Prepar3D, and we're bringing it back to you with the help of a community widget builder. It provides a powerful overview of variables with a beautiful day/night color transition. Yes, Xbox fam, this means you too!
Flow Pro: In the last update, we introduced a "smart delay" that helped those with low-end systems avoid the risk of CTDs by delaying the loading of Flow until after the sim stabilized fully. However, some folks want the ability to turn off the delay feature because available resources are a non-issue. We've added that ability in the settings area.
Flow Pro: We're excited to introduce some awesome new features in this update for content creators. One is our "Streamer Bar," which displays an array of sim data points at the top of the screen. This overlay makes live streaming Flight-Sim a breeze because there is no additional software to set up or configure. Add it to a Flow Wheel by searching for "Streamer Bar" in the Streaming category and configure it to your brand's colors!
Also, a new Novasquare ai_licia sim data bridge allows you to have an AI companion for Twitch that is aware of what's happening aboard your aircraft. Think of this as a virtual co-host of sorts. By interacting with the streamer over voice and viewers through chat, ai_licia provides an extra layer of support and adds a fun and interactive element to your streams.
With our Flow Pro integration widget, your AI companion is aware of the current situation in your Microsoft Flight Simulator adventure, from bad landings to overspeeds and even warning lights! It's like having a second pair of eyes in the cabin, but note that these are not checklist-ready companions! LEARN MORE: https://www.novasquare.io/post/get-your-ai-copilote-in-your-flight-simulator-stream-with-ai_licia-and-flow

- "Key Fob" widget (ALL): Control pre-configured interactive scenery elements from your Flow Wheel. Our updated FFOX (Trent Palmer's Desert Oasis) scenery will feature fully interactive hangar doors. (If you are a scenery or aircraft developer and want to integrate this Key Fob concept, please get in touch. It's free and easy to integrate!)
- "Info Text" widget (Essentials and Pro): Similar to what was available in the FSX/P3D days. This displays sim data in the top left corner.
- "Streamer Bar" widget (Pro): Show your viewers your current altitude, speed, heading, and more in a customizable overlay. This displays sim data in an elegant way, the way a streamer overlay would be expected to look!
- ai_licia bridge widget (Pro): Your AI companion for Twitch just got smarter with Flight Data. (Learn more at www.novasquare.io)
- Dead Reckoning widget (Pro): Navigate the skies like a caveman, with Deduced Reckoning aka Dead Reckoning. This widget provides the essential tools required. Find this in the HUD category. To learn more visit: https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2009/august/flight-training-magazine/dead-reckoning
- Ability to set a widget's UID through the script editor. This is useful for ensuring auto-update functionality for your widgets.
Ability to turn off the Flow "Smart Delay" in Flow Pro when loading into a flight. A switch is available in Settings. Beneficial for users with high-end PCs.
- Portal Widget can now handle 5 digit ICAO for teleportation.
✅ Available today via //42 Direct: https://Parallel42.com
⏳ Check the release status across all other platforms: https://Parallel42.com/pages/is-it-out

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