At Parallel 42, we build products for Microsoft Flight Simulator across various categories, from Scenery and Utilities to Vehicles, VisualFX, and UI tools. Our core focus is to make your engagement with the sim space more efficient, immersive, and enjoyable while always striving for innovation.
Once upon a time, we built an iconic aircraft, Trent Palmers FreedomFox, which secured its spot as one of the most highly rated aircraft in-sim. Since that release, we've had a small but vocal audience that yelled at a cloud anytime we released anything other than an aircraft. Our official reply is, "We're not an aircraft factory." Frankly, we'd be bored to death if we built only airplanes. It takes something extraordinary, iconic even, to inspire us. But once that spark ignites, it's a wild ride! Our passion for our work fuels us, no passion, no flame..
In 2023, John Young of Young Aviation invited us to Arkanstol. Our core team attended with a complete campout set up IRL; we also sponsored the sim space there. It was an incredibly positive experience, and we were introduced to many pilots who enjoy our products in-sim!
One hot afternoon, while seeking shade, we met Don and Ron Wade, Trevor "Dozen" Aldridge, and Zak Heald, the team behind Patriot Aircraft USA. That was also our first personal introduction to the Super Patriot Mark II, a lightweight, constant prop, backcountry beast putting out just under 200HP. It's not your grandpappy's cub! Internally, we've kept an eye on this aircraft; from serial number 1 to mark II, each revision just kept improving and it's always had our attention just based on looks alone.
Was this a fortunate stroke of serendipity by the universe? Do we go full propnerd and start talking flightsim!?
Going into a business relationship is not paperwork & red tape; it’s about synchronicity. While we fell in love with the aircraft, we also fell in love with the team behind it. It was instantly a family vibe. Watching Don and Ron share all the hand-crafted details and engineering with Keven while I listened to Trevor and Zak convey the feeling you get in this aircraft meant everything to me. This joy in what you build is why we work hard and build with purpose; the goal is always a feeling of pride in what you do.
The coolest part was how fascinated they were by what WE have done. They expressed their love for flying the Fox2 (Stage 2) because it was the closest to the Super Patriot Mark II performance! We got deeper and deeper into the conversation until it was crystal clear that something was coming together, and at that moment, the spark ignited into a flame.

Most of you won't read much further; you'll close the window saying, "Cool story bro, so you're building a Super Patriot Mark II." No, we're not building a plane; that's what aircraft factories do. In partnership with Patriot Aircraft USA, we're going to build an experience. Like with everything we do, we'll push the boundaries of what can be done, and you'll feel what this team puts their heart and soul into and where their pride comes from. The sense of adventure and uncharted territories are now just future destinations.
It'll be a long road. We're just at step one after returning from a visit to Bentonville, AR. So for now, it's not "coming soon," it's "coming one day." However, this announcement solidifies our commitment to honorably recreate the Super Patriot Mark II for our flight sim community, the Patriot Aircraft USA team, and Patriot owners who will be able to enjoy their aircraft in Microsoft Flight Simulator.
So what's next? Well, you know how we do at //42. It's radio silence from this point forward. Maybe a hint here or a hint there of progress, but you likely won't hear much until we're ready for a release. Lots of products will be released between now and when the Super Patriot Mark II is released, so sit back, show your support, and enjoy the ride.
We'll leave you with former Thunderbirds pilot Trevor "Dozen" Aldridge, who will share everything you need to know about this incredible aircraft with cub DNA!